Services & Departments


Given below is the list of faculty and their services:

There are 14 sections with different authority of control which makes the smooth functioning of this institution (madarasa) possible.

1. SHO’ABA-E-TAHFEEZUL QURAN: At present three scholars serve as a part of “faculty for Quran memorization”, MADRASA E DARUT TAUHEED has been a big contributor till date to the nation by providing students who have successfully completed the memorization of the Holy Quran.

2. SHO’BA -E-DARUL-EHTAMAAM: This faculty is the heart of the institution. It governs and operates all other sections.

3. SHO’BA-E-TALEEMATH: This official body proposes the plan of action, supervises the distribution of lessons and conducts examinations to analyze the ability of students and other activities.

4. SHO’BA-E-KUTUB-KHANA: This library is named after a great scholar ABUL HUSSAIN ALI NADWI (may Allah have mercy on him). It is back bone of the institution. The institution pays good attention to its precious library and currently the library is the reservoir for 1000 books.

5. SHOBA-E-DARUL-IFTA: This is a legal body found in 1434 hijri, which is governed by mamoor committee. It aims at solving matters of muslim public in the light of QURAN AND SUNNAH.

6. SHOBA-E-MUHASABI: This body is the base of the institution. All finances and donations are dealt by this body. Payment of salaries, banking transactions, supervision of vouchers, expenditures and other activities are taken care by this official house.

7. SHOBA-E-TAAMEERATH: Construction and expansion of the MADRASA is monitored by this body. In past, the MADRASA has witnessed great work in expansion and by Almighty’s mercy it’s still being carried out successfully. Additions to the infrastructure of the MASJID is currently being carried out at a magnificent scale.

8. SHOBA-E-UMOOR-E-KHAARJAH: Payment of bills(Electricity bill, water bill,etc) , shipment of letters and paper works, courier of essential documents and magazines, provision of Food and groceries are controlled by this building .A Cook along with staff of helpers have been meticulously working in this Institution.

9. SHOBA-E-MATBAKH: This sector is responsible for cooking meals three times a day. Two of the members along with a cook have been performing their duties flawlessly. Groceries and food materials are purchased and stocked sufficiently. It is supervised by the dignified members of the MADRASA and successfully serves its guests and visitors.

10. SHOBA-E-NASHRO-ISHAAT: This section of authority deals with media and telecasting. By the will of Allah, ISLAMIC LITERATURE, obligations of Ramadan, EID-UL- AZHA will be casted online.

 11. SHOBA-E-AALIMIYYATH: Sessions of lectures are held regularly. Excellent and diligent scholars are present for this work. Great attention is casted in advancing basic etiquettes of students and to complete the syllabus.

 12. SHOBA-E-DAAWAT-O-TABLEEGH: Every day after salatul fajr, teachers and students participate in learning and teaching the benefits of actions prescribed by QURAN & HADEES. Congregational discussions are held, which aim at bringing people closer to ISLAM. Door to door visits are initiated once in a week (every Thursdays) to revive and spread awareness of the Day of Judgment.

13. SHOBA-E-MAKATIB: The institute here aims to develop Islamic knowledge in those children away from the DEEN and those students who are not able to seek Islamic education due their regular school time schedules. Teachers are appointed in MOSQUES for teaching the basics, essentials and prescribed syllabus of “DEENIYATH COURSE TEXT BOOKS”. All the teachers are instructed to attend the formal meeting once in three months. The meeting is organized and chaired to monitor the work of teachers and co-operation of students. Also regular workshops and seminars are held to solve problems of teachers and other developers.

14. SHOBA-E-CHAMAN-BANDI: On a daily basis, workers are involved in gardening, watering the plants and maintaining hygiene with a pleasant atmosphere across the campus.